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Darc Requiem said:
curl-6 said:

Wow, some Sony fans wouldn't last a month as Nintendo fans if they take POSSIBLY not getting a third party game so hard. XD

There does seem to be a double standard at work, in that the Vita is seen as deserving third parties and getting unfairly screwed over, while Wii U, which is in the same predicament, somehow deserves to get shafted.

I've been laughing at Sony fan hypocrisy all generation. In particular they can't stand when Microsoft buys exclusives when Sony pioneered the practice.

I've kinda noticed this too, there's a section of the Sony fanbase that gets incredibly uppity if they can't have every freaking franchise. This thread being almost 13 pages is proof positive of that.

Nintendo and even MS fans are not as silly about it.

I'm kinda glad Nintendo money-hatted MH if that's what they did. Payback for the 90s and early 2000s when Sony kept games like Final Fantasy and GTA3 and Devil May Cry off the GameCube and XBox (well XBox did get a very late GTA port).

If your platform bombs basically because it loses 1 franchise (one that's not even yours), to me that just shows it's not that strong of a platform to begin with.