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iron_megalith said:

I hate this kind of logic. I won't watch the vid, I won't even give it a god damn chance. I'm no homophobe(I have a gay cousin but I love him like a brother) but I hate the gay community on the media in my community.

All these publicity about gay people in National Television. It's not confronting the problem, it's tolerating the problem and ignoring it. Gay people are sick people. They are humans and they don't deserve to be treated as lesser humans. The same goes for someone with physical impairments. Or rather a best example is someone with mental impairments. The only rule I believe in when it comes to sickness is, as long as their is a way to fix it, fix it.

Gay marriage is stupid. It brings nothing. Sure we may say, for companionship and such, but know this, you yourself have a responsibility to raise a family of your own once you choose this. Unless same sex can produce offspring NATURALLY then there is no way this will bring forth something fruitful.

I have met gay people, who have admitted that they are gay and are sick. At some point in time they managed to make mends with the mental situation they are on. They managed to channel all that negative situation in a positive way WITHOUT alienating or indoctrinating other people(mostly kids). I have the utmost respect for them. Transexuals and such? They are lost people who never got to terms with their problems. They just simply ran away from their problems and never recognized them. Probably blaming someone or themselves for not being born in the gender they truly wish.

PS: I'm no religious person

You know I'll believe the "marriage is only for procreating" argument when I see people protesting or looking down on straight people getting married with no intention of having any kids, when I see people frowing when two senior citizen decide to get married or when a guy marries his barren girlfriend and his friends and family shun him. Until then I'll just call bullshit on that argument.

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