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Regarding Basil's view that churches shouldn't be forced to do something they are against, I completely agree. However, in the UK, the government has promised that no religious institution will ever be forced to marry gay couples if they choose not to. Despite this, the main people arguing against it are still religious people (mostly from older generations), saying it enforces something on them they do not want. In other words, it seems to be impossible to appease the religious people (at least in this country).

Also, just a general question, seeing as the Queen is the only person in England with the power to pass laws (the House of Commons decides the laws they wish to pass but they have to get the Queen to actually pass them, she never declines for obvious reasons however) and the Queen is also the head of the Church of England. If the Queen was to pass a law saying that Church of England churches had to engage in gay marriage, would that be considered "right" in the minds of religious people? (This would effectively be the same as the Pope saying that all Catholic churches had to engage in gay marriage)