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cbarroso09 said:
Chark said:
Ouroboros24 said:
Chark said:
E3 is very important press, investor, and consumer event. Not playing ball means you aren't in the game. Unless they did an immaculate job with the press at the Nintendo booth this will not bode well for them. Press coverage of a big 3 booth is what the press does anyway, so I'm not sure what Nintendo is thinking. This might shake investor strength.

The question here isn't whether Nintendo is playing ball, but the necessity for E3 at all.  Plus really, who wants to see another corny Nintendo presentation?  There are some, but let's all be honest.  We don't need something to cringe on.

I'm just wondering, how important is E3 for any of the big 3 to be able to drive the message home?  What's the target of E3.  The press will hound an anything that smells funny.  Investors will always be givin party passes and limo rides, and the consumer, how far reaching will E3 get to the consumer?  Ask 10 people on a random main street and question their knowledge about E3.  I had, and found that 2 out of 16 people knew a damn thing about Electronic Entertainment Expo. It was at work actaully, but I asked a diverse group of workers, ages 18 to at least 48 years old.  When we look for news, it's not, but it's ign, or yahoo, or vgchartz, gametrailers.  The casual doesn't get this info from E3, but from word of mouth from Becky's 15 year old son playing with the Kinect. 

I remember when Sony had their conference last March.  All day, nothing but news about playstation on the local tv news, the news paper, Yahoo news, etc.  It felt like E3 the whole day.  I'm betting when May 21st hits, it'll be mini E3 day also. 

E3 is very important, it is like the superbowl of gaming. Sure investors will get insider treatment but do you think the company's willingness and ability to hold a large televized conference isn't a concern to investors? This is really important and Nintendo would have to do something giving equal exposure in order to make up for it. Nintendo could try holding an outside event on a different date to grab attention, but they are still going to get steamrolled at E3 and the other 2 of the Big 3 already have big outside events because they are annoucning their consoles. That strategy is a double edged sword and I'm not even sure if they are doing that so some people's perceptions that they are figuratively hiding their head in the sand or waving the white flag may be justified.

I'm sure that is not their intention, but one begins to wonder if they know what they are doing. Yes, their recent E3's have been terrible but the idea is to not have a cringe worthy event and actually do a good job. They need to reafirm themeslves, not bow out.

As  for your questionnaire, finding 1/8th of people knowning about E3 is over 40 million people in regards to the US.

Good analogy, the superbowl. You are right E3 is like the superbowl, just important to the USA citizens that are just maybe 30% of the entire world gaming population. 

Good analogy in that it is the highpoint of the gaming industry, but unlike the superbowl, it doesn't collect revenue.  The Superbowl collects Millions on commercials alone, so it is a viable.  E3 on the other hand is simply where people in the industry meet for grand conferences and play demo games.  This is something we can do via internet stream and via demo downloads where more vast audiences can be reached.  Some years, E3 doesn't even let the public in on the fun.  Think about the amount of buzz you'll be able to get if this was televised, but it's not and I think that's something they're missing.