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ShadowSoldier said:
When your console is struggling and you need to get exposure to as many people as possible? Show them that you have the games that they expect of you. Then yes absolutely. The Nintendo Directs are great but they aren't truly exposed to a new audience since only people with Wii U's would be interested in them

I dont think that E3 exposes Nintendo wares more than Nintendo Direct would.  The casual hardly ever gets a glimpse of what E3 is like.  E3, if you remember any of the local news, ie not web news, is only a 2 to 3 minute mention.  And within those 2 to 3 minutes, it's spent talking about the event itself.  E3 is the equivalent of Comicon.  And I'll be hardpressed to actually find a person who knows what's happening in actual comicbooks who watched a whole 8 minute segment of a Comicon event.