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Just_Rocco said:
Its not the 90's anymore. What next? Nintendo needs that Electronic Gaming Monthly cover story in order for anyone to know about their game? How about a cereal box?

That's what I mean.  Trade show is the key phrase.  Back in the 90's where you had to see for yourself the video evidence of a game.  The only ones that will benefit from a trade show like E3 are your smaller companies that don't have this mainstream presence.  The ones that need the real boost in noteriety are Cloud consoles like the now defunct Onlive or OUYA.  They're the ones that truly need E3.  Sure, Sony and Microsoft will get a boost during this year's E3, but that's because they chose E3 to be the venue to show their wares.  Mind you, it's will be a watered down boost, since both machines will again duel for most badass.  I would have easily taken Sony's last conference ps4 unveiling than wait another 2 months before we get the E3 version.