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Generally people are going to disagree with games that someone things is overrated... Because the perception comes from everyone saying zomgz its amazing. And it applies in reverse as well.

For me

overrated=ME3, even with the complaints about the ending (which I don't care either way). It was still highly praised. There were issues deeper like: 1 city hub, too many cutscenes, no hacking, little mission variation (like morinths mission in ME2, or the final mission in ME2). And even breaking it down. I don't remember that game much at all, it wasn't particularly fun playing it either.

MGS4=Good Gameplay of what there was, the pacing was horrendous, cutscenes were 40 minutes long, install screens, meryl married diarrhea boy, nanomachines. The Drebin System was nonsensical, and not needed in a mg game.

underrated= Deus Ex: Invisible War. Despite being severely dumb downed, and consolized. It's still a great game.