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CoD games are horridly overrated. Modern Warfare 1 was truly one-of-a-kind when it came out, it took everybody by surprise how addictive the multiplayer was. Me and my cousin would get up at like 8am just to play,after going to sleep like at 3pm the night before! Then the yearly releases began and the game went to the shitter.

Spec Ops: The Line would be my choice for most under-rated. The game was phenomenal. Gorgeous environment, engrossing story, engaging characters and perfect dialogue. Captain Walker was a great character. He starts off cool, collected and focus but as the game progressing, you begin to notice him evolve as their situation becomes more dire. Plus, the plot twist and ending near the end were fantastic. I could go on forever, but this was THE BEST shooter this gen for me. It makes you question our current obsession with shooters and the loading screens with those taunting captions felt like a hit to the gut, every time. Not to mention the gameplay was great and not as shit as people made it out to be. The turret section during the mall was one of my favorite shooters moments period.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian