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Life is sacred. True. Unborn children are sacred. True. Capital punishment is bad - from Jezus words. True. Killing others is bad. True.
The only false here is USA goverment who allove to kill people in order to terror other criminalist, preventing crimes, murders etc. It is bad, negative but it WORKS. It works.
Americans are practical people - if something works do not fix it. Social engineering - nothing more nothing less. Cold calcutation. Just like .. Stalin did. Ppl who supports capital punishment do it because they wanna stop criminalist to doing murders, kidnapp etc. Murders and kidnapp, rapes etc are bad things and no one discuss that. No one want to be killed. So how we can defend our citizens, our people ? Everybody;s life is sacred. Victims too. We must defend victims - how ?

Dont perform crime - u will not get killed. This is the message. Ultimate deal - u choose. 

Hey, robber ! Let the victim survive - u will save ur life. We will catch u no matter how, but let her/him life and save ur. Ur life for his/her life.

Mathematic. Cold calcutation. The robber thinks ,, Have I really to kill her ? Try to not kill her maybe, they will not kill me.  "

And it really works.

They dont wanna kill anybody just for killing, rathet to save others.  No one wanna kill and no one wanna get killed.
Social engineering. Psychology. Social analysis.

This is all behind it.