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I'd like to see a price drop of the 32GB model to $269.99 with Nintendo Land and maybe some kind of promotion through the end of the year that if you buy a Wii U you get a free download of Zelda: The Wind Waker Reborn on top of that.

That should get some systems rolling, then perhaps a Black Friday-holiday specific bundle that has NSMBU instead of Nintendo Land in the box.

They need to get the price down, so hopefully component prices have been dropping for them the last few months and the favorable yen makes it possible. If you're charging $300+ you have to have a system that appeals to the dudebros/young male gamer crowd and the Wii U definitely is not that, they need to price it as a viable secondary console/family-kids console.

Ninetndo has sorta backed themselves into a corner with the design of the machine, so they have to embrace it now for what it is and try to sell it as such. It's not a "premium/high-end console" and needs to be much cheaper.