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They actually weren't even close to the forecast they gave at the start of last year.

They were forecasting 18 million 3DS (actual result = 13.9 million 3DS) and 11 million Wii + Wii U (not even close), which was then revised to 5.5 million Wii U (actual result = 3.6 million Wii U).

Hitting the targets they set at the beginning of the year, is going to be tough to say the least, as they are optimistic in nature and partly by design -- you want to be bullish on sales expectations at least early in the year to give stockholders hope.

It's kind of like a parent telling his kids they're going to Disneyland, then downgrading it gradually to Lego Land, then finally settling on going to the movies. You want to do it gradually, lol.