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iclim4 said:
ssj12 said:
theres a chance but normally when a display driver crashes and burns your PC reverts to 16bit 640x480 mode. Then again, I dont think vista supports either so a BSoD makes sense.

recommendations, wait for a more stable Vista driver or bitch at your PC manufacturer or retailers were you bought the PC if it happens again.
yup I was typing, and It crapped out on me again, now im on my parents desktop...
Im gonna try to make it cool off before trying again.

I do have 2 year warranty, but Its gonna suck living without my laptop for a month or more.
anyway I can remedy this?
You meantioned my heatsink is going bad, anyway I can change that or is it way too complicated?


 laptop heatsinks suck to replace

BSoD = Blue Screen of Death

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