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Otakumegane said:
ryuzaki57 said:
So they failed too meet revised forecasts from revised forecasts for both consoles? Nintendo can thank the central Bank of Japan.

Also, expecting 3DS to rise 30% when it's essentially flat compared to its first year on the market is bold imho.

Pssst...Pokemon. (+a bunch of other stuff but)....seriously. 

Expecting it not to rise would be idiotic.

Actually I looked it up and Pokemon on the DS in NPD sales at least didn't cause a sales spike at all, DS sales actually went down the month Pokemon came out on the DS, believe it or not. 

Pokemon fans aren't some specific group ... they tend to be Nintendo fans, which would make sense, as the only place to play Pokemon games for the last 15 years has been on Nintendo consoles.

As such I would venture a guess and say "Pokemon fans" are "Nintendo fans", and they aren't just going to sit and wait for years for a Pokemon game to come out.

I think Monster Hunter 4 in Japan will actually probably cause the biggest hardware spike. I think there's still a bunch of the MonHun crowd sticking to their old PSPs that will finally bite the bullet once MH4 arrives.