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AnthonyW86 said:
dsgrue3 said:
RCTjunkie said:
The poll shows a slight sense of bias.

Just because someone doesn't approve of Gay Marriage doesn't mean that they want them out of the country or view them as evil demons/lesser persons.....

Provide a compelling argument for disallowing gays to marry without using the terms "The Bible", "I feel", or "Jesus" and I'll entertain it. Otherwise you're simply using religious rhetoric to promote your own bigotry.

Actually the only compelling argument to be against gay marriage would be religion. Personally i'm not religious and i don't even believe in marriage itself, in my opinion it's just a tradition that a lot of people feel is an important part life. And although the real origion of marriage is unknown many people believe it did start out as promising eternal loyalty to one another before god. And in some peoples religion that can only happen between a man and a woman.

Personally i don't have any problems with gay marriage, but again i don't care about marriage either. More importantly though i feel that one group of people should not be able to force their will on others. If they are against gay marriage then they don't have to get married themselves if they are homosexual.

I too don't believe in marriage, i believe in two people falling in love and living together, no need for a pathetic ceremony that looks more like an obligation. but if people want to do this shit then they can't be denied for any reason, especially pathetic religion. luckily i can feel the times are finaly changing towards the real future.