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BaldrSkies said:
Headline should be "Gearbox saves Homeworld from Nordic black hole".

Apparently the runners up were Stardock and Paradox Entertainment. The CEO of Stardock makes Gearbox look like a sient in comparison and is a real duche, but at least have stratergy experiance and could have given the game to Ironclad Games (makers of Sins of a Solar empire which Stardock published). Paradox would have been the prefered pick after SEGA but it looks like SEGA had no intention of picking it up. 

The Gearbox hate gets a bit hyperbolic due to the A:CM fiasco that they screwed up royaly but SEGA is just as much at fault for that. They are not the best developer around but they are aparently hiring people interested in working on the franchise now so the fact that Gearbox hasn't done a lot of games like this in the past isn't really a huge problem if they get the right people most of the people that made Homeworld don't work for Relic anymore. 

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