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enditall727 said:

you remember when square released StarOcean 4 on 360 and claimed that the ps3 version couldnt be released because of reasons not possible to talk about? ;) you remember how it released EXACTLY and not a day over a year later with extra content? ;) you rememver how they reasured PlayStation fans that ff13 was going smoothly and had no problems because it was being made exclusively on the new white engine for ps3? ;)

Square Enix has bold face lied to their fans for the past 6 years now. I think it is just Game Politically incorrect to say anything other than "all consoles are even, spread the love", but I am sorry to break it to some of you ,360 dev did quite a lot of damage to the game. Not all of XIII's issues can be blamed on 360, but a 12 month delay on a game that already was taking too long, the idea to cut content, etc surely can. I am not going to search the bowels of the internet for the evidence needed to "prove" this to some of you but I assure you it is there. A dev from SE, shortly after the betrayalton at E3 stated they had cut a massive amount of content to streamline and make the porting easier to 360. Images of areas meant for XIII came out years prior to XIII-2's release and they ARE landscapes used in XIII-2, something SE actively denied to have done. Wada swore that development of XIII had not started on 360 till several days after E3, but there surfaced info about how MS and SE had been in bed together for way before that. There even had been an interview with devs at SE that said the company had did focus testing years prior(when they first thought about 360 port most likely) that told them that fans would hate the linear nature of the game, yet they opted to do it anyway because they thought with all the cut content they could expand the series into multiple titles(aka Xiii-2,Xiii-3).

Most of this info will be virtually impossible to find now tho, because it was several years ago, and SE has done a great job of retracting all those bad statements(which demands that websites take them down or be sued for slander).  I also quite loved the articles about how literally the entire company was disgusted with that decision and knew how much it would offend the fanbase, many were threatening to quit.

This is also why Wada stepping down has been the best thing to come from Square since FFVII. He was surely going to run that company into the ground in some effort to pad his pockets even more.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)