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solojohlo said:
How come no one's mentioned Heath Ledger, not just because of the recent tragic circumstances but alsobecause of his truly excellent movies ( the patriot , brokeback and the upcoming release Dark knight which has been described as defining)

I rate Ledger up there with the other actors on my list in quality of acting, unfortunately, he died before he gave us his best work. He is just as good of an actor, but he just doesn't have the quality and body of work, of the other actors on my "top of the last 10 years" list.


I'd give him my "most unfufilled potnetial" award.


Also, Will Smith, he's amazing. Right up there with Christopher Walken, but like Walken, I feel he lacks the true range of a "best of all time" actor. He is great and amazing at playing himself however, and he did show excellent range in some of his recent films but he's just not what I consider a AAA actor like Bale, Cain, or Ledger. 

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.