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tolu619 said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:
I love your enthusiasm for 3D :)

My opinion is that most movies, particularly those with 3D effects added in post-production, are not really worth it -- especially considering movie tickets are more expensive when the screening is in 3D.

If the movie is designed with 3D in mind, and filmed with 3D cameras, it's a different story. Avatar is the most obvious example. That movie, above all others, proves the usefulness of 3D movie technology. But no one has really built upon its success in the past three years.

I have both Avatar amd Hugo in 3D, and Hugo definitely does more with 3D than Avatar did. In any case, I agree that things look better in 3D than in 2D HD. I can barely get myself to play my 3DS games in 2D mode, I play most of my PS3 games in 3D mode and even the Wii game I'm playing currently, Zelda Skyward Sword, looks sharper when I use my TV's "convert 2D to 3D" feature. The text is easier to read and the textures look better.

@OP, I couldn't vote in the polls because I really want to see Man of Steel, Ironman 3 and Thor

Just saw Hugo in January. What a great, magical movie. One of Scorsese's best, which is really saying something.