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After the first day and today, who do you think is murdering? I mean, in the honest truth and you guys know it too, Nintendo is seems to be winning at GDC right now! Wiiware date, Wiifit dated, Nintendo is finally treating Europe with love and releasing MKWii for Europe before Ameica! New wiiware game that will definitely be another hit game on Wiiware!!!!  Sony may be saving most of their stuff for E3.

 Killzone 2 is looking nice but it will suck! Resistance 2, imo, will be 08's best shooter!!! (and that's saying alot when you go against Gears 2 and Cod5 but it may suck since it's BACK 2 WWII AGAIN!!!!) tREYARCH MESSES THINGS UP! Sony has a lot more in store though to keep up with Nintendo!

MS is really puzzling me. The only thing interesting is the Gears 2 release but I left the 360 side for good so what else? No offense, but I see this as more of a Ps3 verses Wii battle with 360 3rd. 


your takes on gdc 08 so far?  

Damn things have changed since 2009 began. Here are my new visions for the end of the generation.


Wii: 135 mil

Ps3: 85 mil

360: 60 mil

True Genius