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Unlike many other religions it is built into islam to conquer the world and submit the unbelievers. I think that is key here.

The muslims tried to conquer Europe as early as in the 8th century until the Franks stopped them. To constantly blame Western world atrocities as a cause for muslim aggression is naive and an expression of self-hate.

What should be done?

Try to stay out the Middle East to not aggravate islamists more than necessary. But I think it was right to invade Afghanistan after 9/11 to stop Al-Qaeda and it's certainly right that the US defends and supports Israel.

Stop funding Saudi-Arabia, Egypt and whatnot.

Restrict immigration from islamic countries to the West. Do not let muslims build mosques with tall minarets or call to prayer in Europe, and don't give them special rights that threaten the democratic prinicples of the West.

Try to decrease oil dependancy of OPEC.