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Bodhesatva said:
Daniel Day Lewis.

 He's brilliant. @BenKenobi; The Machinist was sick, I thought Bale was rendered into a walking skeleton in that movie... and to think; he starred in Batman Begins mere weeks later, weighing 96 kilo's and full of muscle!! And also; Equilibrium rocks...

PS: Statham is not a brilliant actor, he just starrs in brilliant action movies, kinda like Jackie Chan, who can hardly be called a good actor at the core. The original Transporter was fantastic!

I'd also like to add good 'ole Robert De Niro to the list, Ronin is an amazing action flick as well, and it has the worlds coolest frenchman in it; Jean Reno! Have you seen Shut Up! (Tais-toi!) with Reno and Gerard Depardieu? If you haven't then go and rent it!