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Nirvana_Nut85 said:
Not as funny as when people like you make up every excuse in the book when the PS4 has similar if not less sales than the Wii U.

For Nintendo's sake I hope that isn't the case. If it is then the Wii U will be the next Dreamcast (and 720 and Ps4 will be right there with it). 3rd party would turn away from home consoles and focus on iphone and tablets. Nintendo would get less 3rd party support than they already does and most likely would become a SW only company too. Sony and MS would just abandon the industry.

But I feel comfortable in saying the people who think this will happen are full of it. Ps3 never reached these lows. For comparison the Ps3 sold 2x as many (being 600$) this month than the Wii U did. So, I'm not worried. Wii U will settle back around what Nintendo's fanbase is which is around 40mil and Ps4/720 will be fighting over the rest of the 200 or so million