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Mazty said:

1) Okay so you don't know what an ad hominem is...I suggest you wiki it. An ad hominem was if I was trying to discredit your argument because you didn't know what an ad hominem is. Saying your argument is invalid because you literally don't understand hardware (which you don't) and you have never actually seen 1st hand the graphics you speak of is logical. What is actually going on here is the Dunning-Kruger effect:

"The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which unskilled individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly rating their ability much higher than average"

As you have said, you have no experience of state of the art graphics and have no hardware/software knowledge yet you still seem to believe you are able to talk about a topic that revolves around those things.

2) To cut to the chase, the Wii U is far too inferior to have games ported to it from the PS4 if said game is a genuine 8th gen game e.g. Gears of War, CoD 4+ etc. If you want to argue otherwise, explain how you could account for the lack in CPU, GPU and HDD. 3) Saying that a HDD doesn't affect rendering shows that you clearly havent a fucking clue with regard to loading textures and models. Also guess what alters rendering - the GPU, and the CPU and RAM. UE4 will never come to the Wii U therefore why mention it coming to tablets? What was your point in mentioning that? 

4) You know you are right about a topic you have no idea about. D-K effect dude, you are letting arrogance get in the way. Your argument is based on complete ignorance. You have no idea how graphics works but still want to argue about them. You sir need to look at your attitude if you think you are justified in your ignorance. You're older than me, sure, but so what? The fact you mention that is hilarious and oh so very telling.  Pray tell, what field do you work in and does it trump my IT experience? Cleary it doesn't as you don't have the slightest clue about software or hardware. If a game relies on large scenes, complex AI, physics or graphics, it isn't viable on the Wii U. Large scale games also won't happen e.g. Planetside 2.
5) Games for consoles are meant to be easy to develop. It'd be incredibly difficult to then be told "LOL reduce your RAM by 85% (and make it slower), reduce the CPU by just as much, remove the HDD and now factor in the inferior graphics." What console game is designed to be that flexible?

The Wii U cannot play PS4 games and no matter what you say, it still won't get them! So argue all you want, you'll never be proven right ;)

1) What you just used is a strawman. The fact that I never saw the demos in 1080P in full scale makes me ignorant on the topic, and on technology, that is a strawman, and is ad hominem because you are using that to invalidate my arguments rather than using your arguments to invalidate my arguments. So you're wrong again.

Edit: Also, (though you're horribly wrong) whether you are right or wrong about my ignorance, doesn't change the fact that you repeating my ignorance on the matter to downplay my arguments is ad hominem.

Ad Hominem (Wikipedia):

An ad hominem (Latin for "to the man" or "to the person"[1]), short for argumentum ad hominem, is an argument made personally against an opponent instead of against their argument.[2] Ad hominem reasoning is normally described as an informal fallacy,[3][4][5] more precisely an irrelevance.[6]

In other words your calling me ignorant is irrelevant. You are irrelevant. See, that's an ad hominem. Actually the funny thing is that it isn't even an ad hominem really because I'm not doing it to discredit your argument, lol, I just wanted to hurt you.

2) If Madden was downscaled from a fucking cell processor system to a PS2, I have no need to get into the specifics. It's downscaling, and it's doable. You can reduce the resolution and the effects, just like you would with a low-end PC. There's nothing more to explain.

3) The onus is on you to show how an HDD makes a difference with regards to rendering, and loading textures and models, because as far as I'm concerned, the rendering is done after the data is moved from the optical drive to the ram, loading from the optical drive to the RAM. Otherwise, how did the PS3 do with games that weren't installed on the Hard Drive? You got it, it loaded them from the BR disk.

4) I am older than you, and I can feel it. Do you prefer that? Because after having to endure 20 posts where you call me ignorant, and one where you call me pretentious, I felt the need to serve some and shove it right back in your face. And make you eat it. And put a little shit in it while I'm there.

Yes, indeed I've studied system software and hardware (and aced my courses), having earned a diploma in software engineering and served in network administration for a year, as well as another 8 months in systems development in RFID. I know how Software and Hardware work, the only thing I  don't have is doing benchmarking on gaming rigs, because I've never owned one. It doesn't mean I'm completely ignorant nor does it mean I have no knowledge, yet that is what you have not ceased to say since the start of the thread. So it's not DK, it's the fact that you have a lot of air in your head.

5) That's being done today on low-end computers. It's called making the game configurable so it doesn't use up as much CPU, RAM or whatever other computer resource so it can be run.

You can say anything you want, it doesn't make it true. =)