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happydolphin said:
Mazty said:

I'll cut to the chase.

People care about graphics. Joe average notices graphics and everyone has noticed the vast improvements as shown by the PS4 demos. The Wii U will almost certainly not get many games ported to it for numerous reasons:

1)Small user base
2)The cost of downgrading a game
3)The amount of downgrades required would inevitably and massively alter the game. 

You obviously aren't bothered about graphics, part of the reason being that you have never, ever seen leading graphics, yet want to proclaim how they aren't significantly better than what we currently have. That dude, is just complete ignorance. I'm actually willing to bet that the Wii U will be seen as 7th gen in the future rather than 8th gen, due to the lack of 8th gen games it'll get - people are already stating it's not 8th gen and thats before the PS4 launch.

Your thick is quite skull. I mentioned that I have seen what the new systems can do, I've watched the demos, and I have seen leading graphics, and I understand their appeal. However there are cases where I can really barely tell the difference unless I look in extreme scrutiny.

THAT is what I'm talking about.

As for your point, the thread isn't debating 1 or 2, but only point 3. And I disagree with your point 3 and current downscaling trends prove you wrong.

I don't care what the U will be seen like, what I care about are facts, and the facts disagree with your post (especially point 3), that's all there is to it.

Some questions:

1) Whats wrong with third parties not thinking the WIi U isn't next gen but accepting that its Nintendos next gen?

2) Why should third parties make sacrfices only for Nintendo (always)? Shouldn't the logic be if one doesn't have the specs then they're out of the race? 

3)  Why doesn't Nintendo bend their backs just a little to work in harmony with third parties? 

4)  Have you ever asked yourself why since the 90's Nintendo was never a threat to PC gaming or even arcade gaming for that matter? Why were they always made fun of by those two groups?

5) Where is Nintendo's major first party?

6) Why hasnt Nintendo never cared about pushing tech?

7) Why can't power help games evolve?

8) Why must art direction and the way games are meant to be seen be held back for Nintendo?

9) Why does Nintendo have the stigma of being considered to be a toy where as their counterparts are not?

I have more questions but answer those please.