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SvennoJ said:
I actually do know enough German to be able to follow it with a peak to the subtitles now and then, but that was not an option on the blu-ray version. I occasionally watched movies on RTL+, ARD, ZDF when I was growing up, not too much to watch in my own language with only 2 Dutch tv channels at the time. The great wild west to me was black and white with cowboys and indians that speak German.

Django Unchained was up tonight. Great movie, it exceeded all my expectations after looking forward to watching it for over a year. The 2 hours 45 minutes were over in a flash, I was completely sucked in to the movie.
Christopher Waltz is an amazing actor and this time he wasn't dragged down by Brad Pitt. Jamie Foxx was great too. Hopefully Quentin Tarantino never changes, no cgi, beautiful widescreen 2D, master at framing and letting each scene play out to its fullest potential. Love it.

Best western I've ever seen. Great acting form every one and I love how Quentin blows himself up in his own movie. The only thing out of place was the rap music, but its ok it made Jamie Foxx the boss.


Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont

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