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Netyaroze said:

You simplify the problem of diminisging returns and use polygons and this pointless resolution graph.


I am not going to argue that diminishing returns don't exist but we are still far away from the point where we can't see the difference.


Your first example with the polygon models might be right but graphics  today are not lacking because of the polygon count.  Lighting stuff like the UE4 once had (SVOGI) but now can't because the power is not there.physic models like Laras Hair. Graphics evolved long ago from just polygon complexity. See the old UE4 presentation and the new one where they took out SVOGI. The difference is massive despite Polycount not changing, I really see no diminishing returns overall being a factor yet. Polygone models show not much improvments nowadays but throw 10 times the power at other stuff not polygons and the graphical improvments are massive.


Your second example well. The graph is pointless. Ever saw a 4k TV ? I already can't see the Pixels on a 720p TV from a distance but a 1080p TV just looks better and a 4k TV even better.The graph aims at the distance where you can't see the Pixels anymore but the picture still looks sharper even if you sit too far away.


Look at a Macbook with the 4k Display from a distance do the same with a 1080p Book and see for yourself if 4k doesn't make a difference.


The chart is really not accurate..

Who owns a 4k TV, and who will? Again, diminishing returns. Of course the retina display on the macbook looks great, and it is tantalizing, but it isn't something that I would pay for. It's eye candy, that's all.

When it comes to 1080p versus 720p, there is a difference but it isn't going to ruin the experience unless you're seeking that quality. And most people who buy games buy games for the games, and sometimes the eye candy but not something that would make you go "Damn, I wish I had this or that console it would look so much nicer". With COD Wii, yes it does feel like that. But now with the differences you're talking about "SVOGI" I don't even think I know what that is nor would I probably notice it.

It all boils down to how high expectations are. Also, were it not for subsidizing, this whole loss-leading approach would go nowhere because it would required low success early on (like for the PS3). Otherwise they would just lose too much money.

Also if people care this much about graphics, why not just become a high-end PC gamer? That's what confuses me about all this, so many double-standards.