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fillet said:
Zero999 said:
richardhutnik said:
Zero999 said:
richardhutnik said:
superchunk said:
Birimbau said:
People give it up! If you like Nintendo exclusives, buy a WiiU, otherwise don't buy it.

If you hope to play multiplats on WiiU next gen, you will get disappointed.

Oooooh you've been to the future. How is it? Do cars fly yet?

Would you rather bet the opposite based on what is being seen now?  EA is backing off.  You also see others backing off also.  Titles that were exclusive for the Wii U don't remain exclusive.  What signs are that things will be different than they are now?  The Wii U didn't even get Tiger Woods this year.

What wii u exclusives became non exclusive? rayman was never said to be exclusive and ninja gaiden was already released on ps360 when wii u got it's version. lego city stories will probably land on other consoles unless it got parcialy funded by nintendo. bayonetta 2 and 101 will remain exclusives for being funded by nintendo.

Thing is that there is next to zero signs of third party support for the Wii U's third-party support situation being strong.  Rayman Legends, which had design for the WIi U in mind, and arguably an upgrade to Rayman Origins (on the other consoles) ended up dropping off.  But there isn't much in movement now of there being third-party exclusives that Nintendo didn't pay for, and longer-term, that the Wii U will be getting much either.  The signs aren't there.  And that is the main point, that the position isn't strong.  If it were strong, would you see thread after thread regarding it on this website?  Nope...

please, tell me of the many third party EXCLUSIVES (and i mean exclusives for sure) the unreleased ps4 and the still imaginary nextbox have. nintendo has a decent amount of payed and partnership exclusives (101, bayonetta2, smtXfe) . and it seems that number will rise a lot.

You actually just listed all of them, and not only that, you didn't give a reason why that number would rise a lot, I would love to hear it?

nintendo themselves stated to be investing in partnerships like namco in smash bros and smtXfire emblem. that's enough reason for me to believe that number will rise.