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fillet said:

Yes the PS2 did run most the games the Xbox did with compromises.

Unfortunately those compromises were generally one's that made the game not worth playing.

Splinter Cell series, Max Payne series.

Any game that was ported from the Xbox to the PS2 ended up as one big horrible ropey mess, which is wrong as the PS2 was capable of better than those ports, but it goes to show that porting that way leads to bad results and awful games.

Even if the Xbox 360 only uses 4GB for game use, it's still a massive difference to 1GB.

Video game forums are generally full of optimists (as well as doom mongers), but I'm yet to be convinced by any argument at all by the optimists, and I'm fully behind the doom mongers. The Wii-U is almost definitely screwed by the looks of things and I think we all know it.

I take no pleasure in thinking that mind, it's just the logical conclusion.

Funny how I would be considered an optimist, yet I agree with your post 100%. Goes to show how putting labels on people doesn't always work.

Because as an optimist I can still make sense of things, whether they are correct or not, even though I may be looking at it from the opposite perspective from other users here.