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DietSoap said:

That's simply not true, Jeff very plainly stated those games aren't out now because they're not. He very clearly implied they are in fact important games.

And he is expecting that trend to continue, when the U has 2 years post launch to get back to point 0 where Wii had started (1 year after the 360 launched)? Get real.


Anyway here is the full transcript for those intrested. I put some humor in there just to show how retarded it all was:

Narrator intro:

Michael Pachter: Industry analyst

Andy McNamara: Gameinformer Editor in Chief

Jeff Gertsmann: GiantBomb Editor in chief

Discussing the next-generation console war

What strategies can we expect from Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo as we prepare for new consoles this fall?

MP: I think that you're going to get a subsidies [for the 360]. So if you add broadband to get a next xbox, we'll give it to ya for a hundred bucks.

Narrator: Plus, Pachter explains his controversial south by southwest presentation and more. The bonus round starts right now.

Geof Keighley (GameTrailers): Hey welcome back to the bonus round from GDC this month in San Francisco with Michael, Andy and Jeff uh guys this is a console war as we like to say, a battle between 3 titans.

JG: Finally.

GK: Michael you were recently at South by Southwest, made your predictions about how you think the next battle is gonna be waged.

MP: Thank you for that tweet by the way (laughs).

GK: (laughs) Hey, you speak to the public, it's like.

MP: I had fourteen Neogaf threads going about 5 minutes later about "what an asshole" I am. Anyway thank you very much.

GK: Hey, I was there to promote you, that's my job Pachter, so. (laughs)

JG: Those ones are going all the time, are there new ones on top of that, what's up with that? (trolls)

MP: Could be, could be. (trolls)

GK: Well there could be people that love the game of guessing, and as you said, you know, in some ways it is a little silly, you know, because we don't know a ton about certainly what Microsoft is doing yet. 

But Jeff let me start with you, when you look at you know, the 3 players and how they ended up in this generation with you know the Wii was a big you know mainstream success (Jeff goes mmm), xbox 360 built alot, Playstation suffered a little, how do you think it's gonna fair  for the next gen.

First let's talk about the Wii U I guess which is ugh, you know, I think now they were saying, you know, a lot of games being announced, you know Battlefield, not doing a WiiU version, um, you know a lot of games (dead island clip is displayed) on the 3rp party side it almost seems like it's game over for Nintendo already.

JG: Ugh, yeah, it really does, I mean Nintendo hasn't really in the past enjoyed terrific 3rd party support since the N64 before the Gamecube... kinda.... (trolls) you know? (GK gamecube, yes looks sideways and gasps, a clip of Metro Last Light is playing the background, even the editor is trolling). Every generation they come out and say "this time, guys, we got this. We got all these 3rd party games, look at all these guys up on stage (clips of reggie and Iwata greeting WB, EA and Ubisoft heads), unprecedented partnerships are being announced, and then that's all gone as soon as the sales numbers come in and, you know, everyone just buys Nintendo consoles apparently to play Nintendo games (trolls). I can't blame 'em, but.

GK: And, and, and (trolls) the sales, you know for Wii were building I mean you look at some of the numbers I mean, you know we've seen them, it's it's a troubling time for Wii U so, do they sort of continue to be "in the conversation" do we think? Or do we really think it's a battle between xbox and Playstation now.

JG: Let's face it we're talking about next generation consoles, just like from the internals of that thing, it doesn't qualify.

MP: (trolls)

JG: Like that, that that's. (laughs) Let's just be real about it, you know.

MP: (trolls) no, come on it's a next generation for them! (laughs)

JG: Yeah it totally is!  (trolls) You're absolutely right.

GK: BUt, oooorrrobviously it feels like it's being lapped by something bigger.

JG: It's being lapped now.

AM: (trolls) Does it feel like it's being lapped? It is _beeing_ lapped. (trolls)

GK: It's not always about the graphics (pikmin 3 is displayed in the background) though, even Nintendo will tell you it's about that incredible gameplay out there.

AM/JG: But I mean like, we "where are those games?" we don't even have those games. Like anybody with a mmmblaaaa (trolls/laughs).

AM: They don't have services (trolls) like the ones we were just making fun of Microsoft for.

GK: I mean so (laughs), so take Nintendo out of the equation, then we look at Sony and Microsoft.

MP: I think Nin-nin-nintendo's already done that for you (trolls), but go ahead.

JG: You tweeted a while ago that whole retail thing "but why WiiU?" it's like oh no (trolls). Maybe they shouldn't have named it that, maybe that would've helped. 

GK: And that's why I'm sure that with Nintendo I'm sure there's going to be a strategy shift at some point.

JG: GTA V is going to be GTA U, it's like GTA V. blablablablabla

Conversation shifts to a more serious tone discussing Sony versus Microsoft.