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I don't want them to do bad enough to go bankrupt, as they're basically the company of my youth, but I DO want them to sweat and suffer enough to force them to be great again.

I want Nintendo to go back to their NES/SNES mindset. I want them to take Sony and MS head on. I want a state of the art system, with a modern, integrated online infrastructure ala XBL or PSN. I want a Zelda title that is mature, dark, offer full voice over work (sans Link) and is reminiscent of LOTR in feel. I want a Metroid with the budget and production of a Halo title. I want Nintendo to create a system that is SO appealing to third parties, that they can't stay away.

I want Nintendo to be the Nintendo I grew up with, and the only way that's possible is if they're forced into it. And even that's probably wishful thinking. The Wii-U failing is my hope.