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Carl2291 said:
On that from osed125

Max Payne 3 is the perfect example of whats wrong with the industry.

Max Payne 3 was originally supposed to release late 2009. Its very likely that development started during 2007 sometime, if not before. The game eventually released in 2012. 2 1/2 after it should have released, and potentially 5 Years since development started.

This is what I mean. Time taken to develop a game is crucial. When you have a team of say, 50-200 people, working on a game for 5 Years (With other people coming in and out of the dev process over the course of said 5 Years), your costs will sky rocket. Its mis-management and it causes problems.

Other than that, marketing is raising cost way too much. Heck you have CoD which is "cheap" to make ($40-$50 million) at least compare to some other games, but has a marketing budget of $200 million. The image that says that marketing is 7% of the total game cost is kind of wrong (well is from 2006 after all). Tim Schafer said: "Nowadays, a huge portion of a game's budget resides in marketing, in fact, for some games, 200% of the budget will go into marketing while the game itself will cost anywhere between $10 and $20 million to actually design and produce."

So yeah marketing is also one of the biggest problems. But marketing is something that you can't really avoid if you want your game to be successful.

Nintendo and PC gamer