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Incoming Crash 2.0.

You know some of what these guys make sense, but they are REALLY pushing their arrogance.
I'm flabbergasted at how they think that somehow the PS4 and 720 will do as well as PS3 and 360. Rising dev costs and a lower install base is no joking matter.

I wouldn't surprised if one of the big three actually dropped console gaming this gen, but acting like it's Nintendo that will is wholly ignorant. If the Virtual Boy didn't stop em, the WiiU won't people. If anything it's Microsoft (not because 720 failure but because they want to transition to a set-top entertainment box.)

Again and again it pains me that Nintendo somehow expects goodwill from western 3rd parties when it's obvious that people like this benevolently hate them. They should've expanded and had some 1st parties out for launch, not hold back and somehow expect the 3rd party ports to somehow sell well to prove a point.

Deus won't sell enough. Neither will Splinter cell. If anything, Ninetdno needs to head the opposite direction and totally screw trying to gain all 3rd party support altogether and sell their own software. Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)