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Honestly, why can't Nintendo have some sort of quality control? Why can't they stop publishers that only bring down Nintendo's good name for a quick buck?


But you're wrong, these publishers don't bring down anything, Nintendo games are still regarded as being among the best. And Nintendo could have a "seal of quality" (and not quality control which is something else, and which they and every console maker have) but then you would blame them for scaring 3rd parties away.


There's a lot of people that don't want to walk into a store and see that much garbage so early on. It clogs shelf space. With the PS2 it doesn't matter, because most of it came after there was a healthy assortment of titles that could hold that shelf space and show quality. People that buy that crap can lose faith in buying titles for the Wii.


These "lots of people"  you talk about are a minority. And you're wrong about PS2 games, but it seems like you won't listen to people explaining to you your sources are bad and wrong.


Also what is a third party to do? Conspiracy Entertainment had a 333% increase in profit in three months after Ninjabread Man, Counter Force, Power Play Pool and Cocoto Kart Racing were released. Another third party looks at that and sees what they should see, a gold mine.


No, they wouldn't see a gold mine. That's because they don't fail at maths like you do.

If they currently earn 100 000 % more on their games than Conspiracy Entertainment, they would lose huge money by going down to making these kind of games, as it would be a 999 667 % loss of profit over their current games.


For those of you that think Capcom is REALLY behind the Wii, here's a quote from Christian Svensson, Capcom's Vice-President of Strategic Planning & Business Development:
Christian Svensson asks to "spread the Okami gospel across the net, my sons and daughters." and we have complied.


This quote was adressed to specific people on the Capcom boards ... Try to get your facts straight and not lose your mind to sensationalist editorials.


He also said in regard to the good sales from the Resident Evil games that "all of you Wii fanatics better have Okami pre-ordered by now because that's the next test (and it's waaay better with Wii controls, than it was on PS2... it's very different, in a good way)." We'll keep you posted.

That's right. If Capcom is really on board with the Wii, why are they testing us?


Why? Because they don't!  Also because you act like a troll and a hater that therefore doesn't want to investigate or understand anything, only stealth troll. So as soon as you find sth you find offensive, you run off with it without trying to understand.

Here again, I did the search for you, wasn't really hard, took 5 minutes :

There's your answer!

Sven wasn't testing us like you said, he was playing with very specific people, which hardly define as us, unless all of us are every week on Ask Capcom board asking endlessly the same questions.

No wonder you are so wrong in everything you say. You're just some more proof that the Wii haters have nothing real to hate on, and it has been true since day one. That's why we continue to see their arguments destroyed one by one as time passes. I've no doubt yours will be too. And FYI, what you and all the people like you are doing, is called FUD. And I wouldn't be surprised if you were an astroturfer.

You would just be a lot smarter than the previous ones, who were easily spotted and broke into fits quickly.


This quote is like a week old too, so obviously this is the current mindset they're on regarding Wii. It sounds very cautious and unsure, like they'll revert back to not supporting Wii if Okami fails. Not only that but they've decided they couldn't allocate enough budget to release any commercials, so don't expect anything but some game magazine ads for Okami.


Again you're so wrong it's pathetic. Sven specifically said they wouldn't make TV commercials, as they were too expensive, but instead will make an appropriate sized marketing.



I think Nintendo's market approach regarding this console, the incompatibility graphically to the competition and their inability to stop even the worst offenders of shovelware that clog up tons of shelf space is all Nintendo's fault.


It's their strategy, yes. What is their fault again? Why is it a fault?

Consoles never was compatible with their competition, so have you become insane?

And console makers goal is not to stop what YOU feel are the worst offenders of anything, and last I heard, those offenders have no power to "clog up tons of shelf space" at any retailer. So from where did you mae this up?

You sound more and more insane the more I read you. You're making most of what you say up, don't check on anything you quote, put things out of context, while defending yourself of not being a hater and owning a Wii, ... 


Nintendo needs to play hardball like Sony and Microsoft do and get the damn games on their system already.


They already do. How come you didn't notice?

Because they don't need money to do that? Perhaps that pisses you off because it just means they're winning this gen.