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curtiswolf said:
i would laugh too. seeing that the WiiU needs help, and alot of it. and then Nintendo saying how good the console is. it cant even run DVD's. yeah a home console alright.
i think their laughing more at the fact that Nintendo isnt doing anything. and if the WiiU does fail, it would be no ones fault but their's.
i hope SEGA revels something this E3 or next E3 about their rumored console. im getting lonely with these 3 :)

Everyone has a dvd player from before, and having it in there would just make the Wii U more expensive. Not to mention that netflix is 10 times better than dvds anyway. And Nintendo are actually doing stuff, but behind the scenes. And they are making games to sell it. Also, I don't think it will be a wise decision for Sega to make a new console. They ain't got a chance, unless they make a "Wii," something revolutionary. A PC might be able to survive though.