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VGKing said:
Mr Puggsly said:
VGKing said:
I think seeing how the DVD feature was a huge selling point for the PS2, Sony was planning on introducing Blu-Ray to the masses for years in advance. HD-DVD format didn't matter since Sony was on the competing side.

What Sony should do a few years down the road is sell PS3s in the Blu-Ray isle real cheap.

I think Microsoft going with DVD on 360 was a bad decision. They should have at least used HD-DVD but they didn't really plan too far ahead. Sony obviously saw that DVDs weren't going to be enough for many games anymore. I'm just glad Microsoft is going with Blu-Ray next-gen. Even Nintendo is using 25GB discs.

Why was using DVD a bad decision? It hasn't stopped 360 games from looking as good as PS3 games, it kept the 360 price lower and more profitable.

Early on it seemed like Bluray was gonna be a huge advantage for the PS3. But you can't point out a single game we needed Bluray for. Worst case scenario, more disc swaps if they used DVDs on PS3.

It seemed like MS wasn't thinking ahead sticking with DVD, but it worked out great for them.

Metal Gear Solid 4 is the first one that comes to mind. Then there's every single PS3 exclusive that no doubt took advantage of the amount of storage space offered. There's even many multiplatform games that are multi-disc on 360 and single Blu-Ray on PS3.

Yes, DVD was the cheaper choice and probably would have been more profitable if Sony chose it, but you can't have a true entertainment center when you don't support the dominant movie format. I have a feeling PS3 sales would have been much worse in those first few years had it not been for Blu-Ray.

Using multiple discs is a solution for games that need more space than a single DVD offers. That doesn't demonstrate Bluray was essential for PS3.

Sony should have focused less on a "true entertainment center" and more on just pushing a game console. PS3 sales wouldn't have been better without Bluray. It would have kept the console cheaper and more profitable.

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