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spurgeonryan said:
SvennoJ said:
Yup wildlife and local tribes documentary. They way they're filmed nowadays evokes more emotion out of me then most movies. Maybe I'm getting old... The behind the scenes footage after each episode is awesome too.

I couldn't stay interested while watching the first G.I. Joe movie ('09 one) The special effects at the start were decent but then I zoned out, never watched the rest.

Tonight I watched The Darjeeling limited. Very captivating movie. My 2nd favorite Wes Anderson movie, after Moonrise kingdom, a bit better streamlined then The Royal Tenenbaums.

My favorite is Life Aquatic. Perfect in everyway imo. Music is great, camera work, development, directing, actors, etc.

Royal Tenenbaums would be tied with Moonrise kingdom. Not sure which I will pick right now. I like both, but Tenenbaums has been a while and the affect has left me.


Never seen Darjeeling, but it looked interesting. One of the last few films before Luke Wilson totally lost his way in hollywood. He is in it right>?

I need to watch Life Aquatic again, it didn't make much of a lasting impression on me. Time to dust off that dvd.
Luke Wilson is not in it, The brothers are played by Owen Wilson, Adrian Brody and Jason Schartzman.

I want to watch the Tennenbaums again too, if only lego city wasn't so addictive. Want to buy extra time in the day...