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Legend11 said:
madskillz said:
Legend11 said:
The more I see and hear about Obama the more I like him but he would unfortunately make a very easy target for a smear campaign (just based on that poster someone made of him).

It would take more than a Borat knockoff to sway voters.

I know this is going to sound bad but I think 80% (probably more) of the population in any country is somewhat stupid and easily manipulated. From the time people are small children they are subjected to advertisers and others that manipulated them into buying their product (which includes everything from religion to toys). These people have been so manipulated and conditioned all their lives that most are easily swayed one way or the other depending on who has the best "salespeople". That's usually why in my opinion whoever has the most money to spend on campaigning usually has the best chance of winning. It's also why I think Obama would be in for an uphill battle because it's far easier to make people feel angry and scared than it is to make them feel happy and safe (in my opinion anyways).

Spoken like a true businessman. Obama is snagging ex-Edward supporters, plus he's getting folks interested in politics again. And what I find interesting is - how folks are soooooo ready for a change, they'd support one of the youngest prez hopefuls in history. The old guard is falling - and it's sad, but I think the U.S. is more willing to let a minority MALE lead the nation than a woman. And even the networks didn't show Hillary any love - cut her speech off midway and cut to Obama. I know he won Wisconsin, but doggone, the networks - I know at least 3 of them - did it at the same time.

The thing is - the Obama fund-raising isn't slowing, giving him more TV time than Clinton. He's gonna win the vote, but the real question is - will the superdelegates support his bid?