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China needs to export... thats how they've managed to keep their economy going the last 10+? years. Can the whole world continue to dig up the ground for an indefinite period of time... of course not, its going to hit critical mass at some point... maybe not today, 15, 50? 100 years... who knows. You know what, I cannot do anything about that, but what i can do is try to make my own little bit better... and not rely on future issues.

Where did i say that nuclear wasn't an option? Where did i say that we shouldn't use our own resources where possible. Where did i say that we shouldn't try tidal or thermal energy... i didn't, because generalised statements shouldn't bloody need a thesis and me explaining

We should be using all these things to reduce the amount of energy we need, reducing our reliance on other people. The UK has already started this by land/sea wind farms (which were not designed originally in the UK and I am sure the source of minerals that made them were not from Britain either)... USA (so have others) has created a massive solar array in the desert... strange that governments are doing this and spending billions to do this....

Using the term Gasoline would suggest you are from the USA.. where you have a lot more resources to call from than we do in the UK, so its not really a fair assessment of the situation in the uk.