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spurgeonryan said:

Just look in movie forums in the forum index and you can find any of the old movie threads easily.


David Attenborough....Without looking him up, Jurrasic Park actor or is he a director? I feel stupid for not knowing him. Richard Attenborough is the Jurrasic park actor I think  now.


Did you buy the 25th Anniversary Roger Rabbit? I noticed it at Walmart last week. One of my most watched movies of all time. Of course that was when I was a kid and did not have many options because no one would buy new movies except on my birthday. Always was Van Damme films though.


Crowe has gone down in his career. He was lucky that they brought him on. He had the cult classic, Wu Tang film a year ago that failed, then that recent one with Mark Wahlberg that failed, and a few other movies that were just not too decent. He is hit and miss, but I think he has just gotten lucky a few times with the choices he has made. Gladiator, Master and commander, etc. I do like him, but he is not a favorite.

Ouch you don't know Sir David Attenborough? He has been the face of natural hisory programming for the past 60 years.
Of course Americans felt the need to replace him with Oprah Winfrey for the US versions of Planet earth and Life. Luckily the blu-ray versions have David Attenborough's narration.

Yes, I got the 25th aniversary blu-ray edition. It was one of my favorites as well and it was time to replace my Laserdisc version. It looks and sounds pretty good for a 80's movie. The bonus cartoons show a lost art in todays animation, complete over the top exaggeration. The cartoon characters drawn in to the real world still look great. Eddie Valiant in the cartoon world didn't age that well, but that's only a minor part of the movie. Favorite line: "You mean you could have taken your hand out of that cuff at any time? No, not at any time, only when it was funny."