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Netyaroze said:
Mazty said:
Netyaroze said:
No I am not its not just those walls this is just a ROUGH breakdown. Its everything. Are you or anyone else trying to really tell me that a house (just structure) build for 250k can consist of the same materials as a 1 MIllion Home ? You can not build a Ferrari in the same quality for 20k even if you build it in China.

The square metre price for the walls tells us nothing you are oversimplifying a complex problem by looking at it from the simplest possible way.

Lolwut - British homes are not made out of some magical carbon fibre super insulating, sound proof material....just bricks dude. Just bricks. You are just guessing and have literally nothing to back you up. The post that shows they cost roughly the same is sourced. Your guess work does NOT trump that. 

You are ignoring the problem. Either provide evidence or go away as blindly guessing at prices is worth NOTHING.

What evidence ? That there are higher quality materials an lesser quality materials ? Expensive ways to build a wall and cheap ones ? Look up different pans for rooftops you can pay alot or not depending what you want. Your house can be build with energy efficency in mind or not this can cost alot. I am not going to google 1000 different ways how a house can appear cheap but still be very expensive to build. Do it yourself.


As I said before  our floors were 100000. The floor for a house of that size posted before would be 300000-400000 the whole house is 450k.  Conclusion it can not be the same quality. It has to lack on several levels  or else it couldn't be that cheap.


You can not compare a price for a house that easily. Also a wall can be build with those bumpers isolation for heat and be sound proof and use different stones. And suddenly its way more expensive. If you build a structure in Europe it won't cost you magically 5 times more.  


Prices might be better but not that much better. A worker doesn't cost 5 times more in Europe. There is a price difference but its not as extreme.


Sure if you just make a wall with standard bricks it might not matter if its wood or brick. (Except for the work you have to do.) But thats not the reason why many European Houses are more expensive and have a way smaller size. If you exclude the land prices its the better quality. (Not all houses ofc but if there is a massive price difference then yes)

No links ergo still no proof. Stop it. Stop pulling figures out of air. Your posts have no substance to them - just guess work.