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oniyide said:
curl-6 said:
oniyide said:
curl-6 said:

For me, most of the top Wii games, (Mario Galaxy 1 & 2, Zelda Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword, Metroid Prime 3) would not have been as great without motion controls. It also allowed for games like Wii Sports Resort and Red Steel 2, which were uniquely invigorating and satisfying thanks to the intense motion control. 

All Mario did was add pointer controls, that game could have easily been made without any of that stuff and still be roughly the same, i personally hate having to shake the controller to do a spin attack. That is just useless addition. TP stuff was all over the place with accuracy. SS, Resort Redsteel2...those required motion+ an addon, which is  my point why wasnt it that accurate from day 1?

Mario also added the rolling ball and stingray/bird segments as well as using the pointer in various ways, all of which added fun and variety that wouldn't have been there with mere buttons and sticks. Spinning with a flick of the remote felt fantastic, smashing an enemy or propelling Mario into the air with a flick of the wrist is viscerally satisfying in a way that a simple button press could never be.

Swordplay in Twilight Princess had a similar kick, (tho not as refined or immersive as Skyward Sword) and aiming with the pointer was so much faster and more immersive than analogue.

All that stuff in Mario could have been done with analogs and buttons as was done for years before, didnt add anything that we hadnt seen, for me it was the opposite of satisfying, but to each his own. Swordplay wasnt refined in TP at all and that was the problem, at least for me. Pointer'll get no argument from me. if a FPS has the option ill be using it. That goes for Move and wiimote(wish Wii had more games in that category that didnt suck)

Yeah, I COULD have rolled Mario on a ball with analogue and spun with a button, (just like we COULD have done a lot of PS3/360 games on the orginal Xbox or PS2 if we toned them down enough) but it would take a lot of the fun out of the tasks for me. But yeah, to each is own.

Yeah, Move support made Killzone 3 one of my top 7th gen FPS games. Goldeneye and Metroid Prime 3 were up there as well for me.