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Max King of the Wild said:
curl-6 said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Aiming was not faster with the mote. I didn't play Mario so I can not comment on that. Flicking your wrist wasn't the point. It was suppose to simulate actually swinging a sword or bat so flicking is a negative in my opinion

Yes it is, you can point straight to your targets instead of tracking around the screen with analogue. Flicking is still more in line with a sword swing than just tapping a button. And its the movement that feels good; it conveys connection and impact, your movement affecting the game world.

I don't know what magic wiimote you had but even now when i'm selecting something to watch on netflix the calibration is crap. I'm not pointing anywhere near the "target." to get an accurate shot I had to aim slowly due to that

Calibration's fine on mine; I have my TV at desk height, about 2.5 meters from my chair. Maybe the sensor bar has slipped a bit and is angled up or downwards?