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Ah there's your thread, lost it for a while.

I've watched Who framed Roger Rabbit since last time. That held up pretty well, still a fun movie. It didn't break my 3 year old's addiction to Wreck-it-ralph though.

My wife and I also watched Les Miserables, not that great. Russell Crowe is pretty bad and the whole thing could have been an hour shorter. The much advertised live singing was the weak point of the movie. The color palette was pretty dull as well, very gray movie. Still some scenes were very well done and sound mixing for the few action scenes was excellent. However Moulin Rouge is much better in all departments.

Since then I got into a BBC earth viewing spree. Earth, the biography, Wild China, Frozen Planet, Yellowstone: Battle for life, and The great barrier reef. Frozen planet and Wild China are the stars of this lot. Awesome HD visuals and plenty of things I hadn't seen before yet. Next up is Africa.
I'm certainly going to miss David Attenborough when he finally retires, I've been listening to his narrations since I can remember.