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I don't understand the rationale behind thinking that it would be bad for the industry if there was a 1-console standard. Was it bad for the movie industry when there was just one format (VHS, then DVD)? All it means is that they need to make good movies to stay competitive. It would be the same with the gaming industry. Imagine if you buy a game that you really liked, and you wanted to bring it to your friend's place. As long as they had a 'game system' (just like they have a dvd player) that would be guaranteed to play whatever current game you put into it? It would only be a good thing--there would be much less confusion in the industry, and people would buy more consoles.

Now, that being said, there is a difference between plausibility and feasibility. Would it make sense? Absolutely. Will it happen? Probably not, as long as you have competitors who either can effectively appeal to current trends, or create their own. As it stands now, we have two competitors with excess mountains of cash to spend getting developers to make things for them, as well as advertising cash, who refuse to 'give in' to the other. We also have another that appeals to a market neither of the other two can touch.

From a certain point of view, we have a VHS vs. Betamax war here, with the key difference being that each company involved has a viable format and brings something different to the table. As long as this continues, we will never see a unified format.

Also, on another note, I hope we never have a time where downloading is the only way to go. I'm fine with having the option to download any game OR purchase it from a store. But there are a few reasons I'm opposed to a download-only industry:

- I like the sense of security of being able to hold up a physical game (disc or cartridge) and be able to say "This is my game." Much better than it 'existing' in cyberspace somewhere, where anything can happen.
- I like being able to bring it to a friend's house and just pop it into their console. If I had to dl a game, I'd either have to bring the console to a friend's place or sign in online on their console and download it to their hard drive.

Am I right, or am I crazy? Feel free to rebuke me.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."