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Netyaroze said:



 I think the difference can be 200k or 20000k it all comes down to what materials you are using. Lets say I would magically beam just a US house without land just the structure, to Europe. It costs 250k in the US. And maybe 400k around here. Its still the same house made out of cheap materials.


 If you see a much smaller house for 1.5 Mil you can be sure its better quality than a much much larger house for 25% of the cost. Even if you would get the 1.5 Mil house for 1mil in the US . A tite can cost 40 Dollar or 600 Dollar. Size is not a good way to determin the real worth of a house. And pictures too.


 We just have to agree to disagree. I think much of the price difference comes from different design philosophies, you think its a negligable amount, well without a detailed breakdown of house building cost in US and Europe from a large enough sample size we won't get anywhere.

 It's clear that you are just wildly presuming that is the case without researching it. See the epic post above.