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Your post is yet another example of total nonsense. FFVII was probably the most-played of the entire series, so the chance of it having a greater fanbase than lesser-played games is obviously higher. FFVI was released on PS1 and has a Gamerankings average of 85%, and was later released on GBA and has a Gamerankings average of 91%. The Gamerankings average for FFIX is actually HIGHER than it is for FFVII.

Also, if you're going to tell me that if FFVII was released "as-is" on a current platform that it wouldn't be mocked relentlessly, then you're clearly even more clueless than your previous posts suggest.

The platform or the company who makes it really makes no difference to most people. What makes the difference is the quality of the game itself. It may be difficult for you to grasp, but try, please do try.

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.