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supermario128 said:
DMeisterJ said:

Sony Domination begins NOW! B3h0lD +h3 p0w3R 0f +eh C311!

No but seriously, let's not use the Nintendo is stockpiling excuse because Brawl is about to come out. Let's not forget what happened the week that SSBB came out in Japan after everyone said they were stockpiling, and they only raised a little in respect to the week before.

What's happeneing is obvious. Nintendo can not be producing 1.8 mil/month. It can't be happening. Because the Wii has yet to sell 1.8 million every month. I don't know where all the supposed Wii's are, but they can't be stockpiling, not when brawl just came out in Japan.

Let's try finding a new excuse.

In other news: Good for PS3. This week will go down in history, as the week that the PS3 had outsold the Wii in america. You know, this may have something to do with Blu-Ray.
  Wow, you are so wrong its kinda funny. Brawl hype here is like as big as Halo's was. Nintendo has to be stockpiling Wii's for Brawl's launch.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Dude, that's freaking hilarious. One of the few I actually laugh audibly whenever reading a internet post.

The hype is no where near close (Im assuming your talking America). Halo 3 will have a much bigger start, but due to install base and the type of game SSBB is, it will outsell it WW.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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