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kowenicki said:
TeddostheFireKing said:
I was only born in 1992, so I never really appreciated what Thatcher did. I grew up in a Labour area near Liverpool, my dad and close family were Conservative though, but overall, I got a positive impression for Thatcher. The only people I get annoyed at are those who don't seem to know who she is or dislike her just for the sake of disliking her (cause they don't actually know what she did >.>).

or are brainwashed by their localtity and family tradition...  thats the problem with UK politics.  Most people havent got a clue. the only thing worse than them?  Champagne solcialist, or the comfortable traditionla middle scalss that want to look after the poor poor working classes.  Winds me up.

I like it when people like you... and me... kick against the grain.  I grew up next to (and went to school on) the biggest council estate in my locality.  I didnt sulk and think I'm screwed, the rich people hate us etc etc.  I decided that Iwould better myself and went for it.  You can be waht you want to be in Britain, mainly due to Thatcher.

This is why some people hate her, because they don't want to accept their part of responsibility on their lives, they want to have someone else to make the culprit of their problems. Some people have a huge peter pan syndrome.