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Netyaroze said:
Adinnieken said:
Mazty said:

In Europe/modern Europe, double-glazing is standard which tends to be rather resiliant to knocks and bangs. Whether it is as good as a single sheet of impact resistant glass I don't know, but I've seen football(soccer balls) hit them at full force and just bounce right off. 

As for modern building standards in Europe, I think most modern houses are only one brick thick on the inside, and 2 with a cavity inbetween on the outside. Victorian used to be 3+; those houses are fantastic. 

Here in the US double-glazed (we call the double-pane) have been the standard in new/remodeled construction since the 1970's.  Now triple-pane is the new thing.   They've been around for about a decade that I know of.

Dude there is nothing that exists in the US we don't have also. Why do you think houses are so expensive here ? Were does the money magically go ?

Because you're Europe and almost everything has to be more expensive just because.