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Oh wait, I understand now. At first, I thought you didn't know what my "..." referred to. You are stating that the numbers after the "..." don't exist, because there is an infinite amount of numbers before them. Okay, I understand that. But, they do exist, in a weird way.

I feel that I know the answer (which is ...0.999... Does not equal to 1). The only problem I am having is writing it down in a way that everyone else understands.

I can't help but have my common sense take over on this one, rather than a complex system of mathematical equations. I just look at the number, and see it's different than 1 in the fact that it looks lesser. Look at it, it's just not whole. It's missing something. It's missing such a small number that would have made all of those 9s into 0s. How small? That's impossible to know.

...0.0001... Is indeed a small number. It is impossible to know how small that number is. But because it exists, it does not have a value of 0, but the closest thing, next to 0, which is still enough of a value to make ...0.999... lesser to 1. Yes, I know about the whole "..." flaw thingy. I'm not going write an infinite amount of numbers, so I am using "..." as an abbreviation. And yes, I understand that you think the number 1 doesn't exist because of the infinite amount of 0s before it. There is no end to the number, but that stupid 1 still has a value, that spreads evenly throughout the entire number.